Ottfried Fischer fortune

Ottfried Fischer fortune
Capital: € 3 million
Age: 66
Born: 11/07/1953
Country of origin: Bavaria
Source of wealth: actor
Last updated: 2020

Short introduction

How huge Ottfried Fischer’s resources are can’t be evaluated precisely. What is sure is that during his dynamic time he was one of the most generously compensated German entertainers and men’s club craftsmen. For a progression of the faction series “The Bulle of Tölz” he got a charge of 200,000 euros. 

His brand names incorporated a clever funny bone and a larger than usual midriff perimeter that transmitted Bavarian comfort.

Early life

Ottfried Fischer grew up separated on a ranch in the Bavarian Forest. His dad came from Paderborn and claimed a fish shop in Gelsenkirchen before he wedded Fischer’s mom and moved to Bavaria. 

Fischer was an understudy at the Maristengymnasium in Fürstenzell close to Passau. That being said he was well known with his cohorts as a performer. Subsequent to moving on from secondary school, his dad at first inspired him to concentrate on law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, which was brief. In the wake of exiting graduate school, Fischer focused on his vocation as a men’s club craftsman.


Fischer had his first achievement in 1983 when he turned out to be important for the nightclub network show “Meine visitors and me”. As an independent craftsman, he previously became famous in 1989 with the stage program “Troublesome is simple what”. The subsequent performance visit “What to do” continued in 1994. 

Meanwhile, Fischer acquired fame among TV crowds on account of his parts in effective series, for example, “Some way or another and Anyway”, which at first came essentially from Bavaria. It was uniquely through the series “Zur Freiheit” that he became known all through Germany. 

He was soon ready to anticipate jobs in highlight films. As in the faction films “Go Trabi Go” or “The Super Jam”, his jobs were regularly comedic in character. 

In 1995, Fischer’s prosperity finished before the camera in the home spine chiller series “Der Bulle von Tölz”, which appreciated extraordinary ubiquity among people in general until 2009. Eventually, the series was ceased because of Fischer’s Parkinson’s infection, which he unveiled in 2008. 

After the shock finding, Fischer restricted himself to segregated nightclub appearances and the job of Pastor Braun, in which he showed up on ARD until 2014.

Career highlights

The feature in Fischer’s profession was the primary job in the religion series “Der Bulle von Tölz”. As Commissioner Benno Berghammer, he sentenced hoodlums and epitomized Bavarian legends in an incomparable manner. Likewise, Fischer never botched a chance to extricate up the wrongdoing story with supper club acts. 

Fischer himself discussed the way that he had prevailed with regards to “seriesing the amusement circle” in the series, “to have an undeniable degree of acknowledgment from the helper specialist to the college educator.” 

In 1997 he was regarded for his job as Benno Berghammer with the “Brilliant Gong”. He was likewise granted the “Romy” in gold in 1989, 2001, 2002 and 2004 as the most well known male series star.

Amazing facts

In 2014 a “Bulle von Tölz” historical center opened in Bad Tölz, at the initiation of which Fischer was available. Also, the Tölz Kurverwaltung gives voyages through the different shooting areas, which is promoted as “bull travelers”. Meanwhile, an own movement guide with the title “On the path of the bull” has showed up 

Notwithstanding his monetary ascent, Fischer stayed consistent with his left-wing sees for the duration of his life. He upheld the red-green government in the 2005 bureaucratic political race. He likewise partook in occasions coordinated by the European Left

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