Net Wealth Elon Musk – Real Life Iron Man

Elon Musk

Just like that is the case with many other technology billionaires, the Elon Musk net that most fluctuates depends on Tesla Motors stock prices. So, recently, when Tesla’s stock skyrocketed, the net wealth of Musk followed, raising around $ 21 billion to $ 24.6 billion. Namely, both of them surged after the musk apology to the analyst after he insulted them during the conference in May when he refused to answer their “boring and stupid” question. The apology is called “the most valuable apology of all time.” And soon after that, “the most valuable tweet ever” followed when Musk posted that he “remembered taking Tesla Private at $ 420” per share.

What many people don’t know is how Elon Musk has become a genius technique and entrepreneur of billionaire technology that we know today. We are here to answer this question. This is the story, which starts in South Africa.

Musk Elon Education and South African Education

Born in Pretoria, South Africa, Musk grew up with a father who was a “serial entrepreneur” and he would sometimes go with him on a business trip. However, he was no longer related to his father, because he had called him “a terrible man.”

Musk also acknowledged that he suffered intimidation during early education. “I am also the youngest child in my class, so I was quite small,” Elon Musk said in a question and answer with time. “I’m a little smart. It was a recipe for disaster. I will call every name in the book and be beaten. It is my school experience.”

When he finished high school, he moved to Canada. “I left South Africa alone, against the wishes of my parents,” Musk said to the university alumni magazine. “I came to North America because I felt here there was a chance to do great things in technology.”

Elon Musk company

Musk got his first millions during the 1990s from the internet startup. However, the main interest is electric cars, solar energy, and space exploration. “They are certainly not chosen because they have the highest return on investment,” said Musk in an interview. “I might be able to make more money than, say, start another internet company.”

Musk wants to overcome problems that have the potential to bring social benefits, and Tesla Motors “not only build all electrical vehicles but also clean energy generator products and measurable storage products,” Countries website companies. “Tesla believes that the faster the world stops relying on fossil fuels and moving towards the future of zero-emissions, the better.”

Elon Musk House

Musk stayed at home in a 20,248-foot square so he paid $ 17 million in 2013, which had seven bedrooms, a private filtering room, tennis court, swimming pool, and, don’t forget the view of the aircloth club.

Of course, being able to buy everything that comes at a price. Musk himself once said: “I don’t have time to go home and take a shower,” That’s why at a time, when Tesla was under pressure to produce more vehicles, he had to sleep on the floor of the car factory. Usually, he doesn’t sleep more than six hours per night, and he works from 80-100 hours per week.

And the house mentioned earlier where he lives is not the only thing he has, of course – Musk has spent a total of $ 72 million in a series of five large houses and plantations located in the Air Bel Air.

Provide appointments and donations

Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world who signed a promise of giving, the movement founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. He joined this group in 2012, but even before that, he had created a musk foundation, which was especially known for providing assistance, often in the form of solar power, after natural disasters. For example, in 2011, he contributed $ 250,000 to build a solar power system in Japan in an area that was destroyed by the tsunami.

He once explained that his philanthropy

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