Natural Ways To Boost Your Immune System

Natural Ways To Boost Your Immune System

It looks like everyone today is looking for a natural way to improve your immune system. While the media continues to avoid antioxidants and vitamins, we know more about damaging damage that synthetic chemicals and preservatives in our food on our health. We learn that there are all kinds of things we can do to improve our immune system naturally. One of these things is to make yourself more familiar with food that helps increase immunity.

For example, do you know that some hot peppers actually have anti-virus properties? They seem to work well when inhibiting the growth of the herpes simplex virus in laboratory mice. The best hot pepper with hot water medicine I’ve heard made of cayenne and capsicum peppers mixed together. It is said to work very well, even though it took several weeks to be fed every day to get benefits.

Ginger is another natural ingredient that seems to help our immune system. The variant of hot peppers with hot water medicine is to take a teaspoon of land ginger and mix it with hot water. Drink the mixture when showering cold water or in the kitchen, if you prefer to skip heat. Ginger added to help the stomach to contract, which reduces acid production. You can also try drinking ginger juice or taking the ginger capsule. Many times these products contain various gingoid substances.

The third natural substance that helps the immune system is aloe vera. There are various ways to use aloe vera, but it must be most useful when used as topical treatment. Apply gel to an irritated skin and even burn injury, because it helps alleviate pain. Aloe is also a very good natural antibiotic, so it’s a good idea to look for products with aloe vera in it.

Herbal supplements can also improve your immune system. A good example is a black cohosh. This herb has been used for centuries as a tonic drug. This is an effective natural immune system amplifier due to anti-virus properties. Modern research has shown that it can also reduce the frequency of cancer.

These are three very feasible ways to increase your immune system naturally. They are all cheap and very easy to put into your lifestyle. Do a little research, and you are sure to find something that suits your needs. With the right diet and exercise, your immune system will be stronger than before.

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