Fall-season guys 4.5 The long list of new features includes a cross interpretation

Fall-season guys 4.5 The long list of new features includes a cross interpretation

You do not have to be developed by a large game company famous to make it big in the industry. You just need unique and addictive elements to get people, sometimes even politicians, hung. Independent titles like among us and autumn guys are certainly not your triple-a game cookie-cutter, but they always sprinkle hundreds or even thousands of loyal players. For autumn guys, these players were segmented in their respective platforms, but starting with the 4.5 season “Dave”, they will finally play with and against the other.

While players on their respective platforms still play their rivalries, they often lose inside the games themselves where they materialize on their own respective merits as players. Unfortunately, these boundaries between PCs and the different consoles are not simply based on the brand. Fortunately, players have also started looking for and requiring a multiplatform gameplay, especially for online games where platforms need to be less important.

This is exactly what will happen to season 4.5 of competitive online multiplayer falling guys, coming only a few hours. He has actually a long list of exciting new features, but the one who will probably interest the most players is the announcement of the crossed game between PC and PS4 players. Starting with the update, they will be able to associate together without any care where you play it.

Unfortunately, the implementation between the crossed game is far from it. Players on the other side of the division still can not train parties together, but the developer of mediatonic tricks is not yet the end of the story. More importantly, automalized guys are still not available on other platforms such as Xbox and Nintendo switch and there is no word on when it happens.

Beyond the main crossed feature, Season 4.5 also brings 2 new laps and 55 variants on the 12 laps of the game. There are also improvements and corrections in the global gameplay experience, including to report cheaters. This group of changelog rather large will arrive on May 13 and, despite the name “just dave”, is quite important that will keep the fans of falling guys come back.

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