Colorado Republican Party calls for burning of all pride flags as Pride Month kicks off

Colorado Republican Party calls for burning of all pride flags as Pride Month kicks off

The Colorado Republican Party is facing backlash after posting on social media this week, calling for the burning of all pride flags as the LGBTQ+ community celebrated the beginning of Pride month.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Monday, the state GOP wrote, “Burn all the #pride flags this June,” and also sent an email blast targeting Pride month.

“The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children,” said the email, signed by party Chairman Dave Williams.

Williams defended the party’s stance, stating in an email to USA TODAY on Wednesday that they make “no apologies” for their message.

“We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture,” Williams said.

The Colorado GOP’s message has drawn widespread criticism, with politicians from both sides of the aisle denouncing the anti-LGBTQ+ stance.

“For those in the back, both parties are NOT the same,” wrote Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib in a post on X. “This type of vile hatred has come to define the CO GOP and it’s why we’re organizing up and down the ballot to beat them at all levels.”

Valdamar Archuleta, president of the Colorado chapter of the conservative LGBTQ+ advocacy group Log Cabin Republicans, declined the party’s endorsement in response to the email and said it did not reflect the Republican voters of his state.

“I have been an avid critic of where the celebration of Pride has gone in recent years and firm supporter of protecting children from environments and entertainments that are of an adult nature. However, this email went too far and was just hateful,” Archuleta said.

Despite the criticism, the state GOP chair stated that Archuleta will still have the support of the party as the “presumptive nominee,” but added that if Archuleta doesn’t want the party label, he will have to withdraw from the race.

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