Chamath Palaih Net Worth 2021

Chamath Palaih

If you have never heard of this venture capitalist, Chamath Palihapitiya is very famous for its participation in Silicon Valley. He has worked there for years now. In addition to being the owner of the Golden State Warriors, he is also a member of their council, and PaSaPaPiYa is also the founder of the FWD. For more information about investment entrepreneurs and information about the net wealth today, see below our article.


Zodiac Sign Chamath Palihapitiya is Virgo, because he was born on September 3, 1976. He was born in Sri Lanka, but at the age of six, he had to move from his birth country. His father, named Gamage, became the office of the Sri Lankan High Commission in Ottawa, Canada. When the PalaihApitiya family moved to Canada, Chamath began going to school, and he graduated from Waterloo University in 1999. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, and a year later, he decided to go to California, living with his girlfriend.


After completing college, Chamath Palihapitiya began his work at the investment bank. He got a derivative merchant job, but soon after, he began working for AOL. Hard work paid off, and in 2004 he found himself in the highest position so his work allowed him. Thinking how he grabbed everything from the position of the job, the venture capitalist stopped from the job and moved to the Mayfield Fund.

He didn’t stay for a long time there, as he found success on Facebook. His work is increasing the number of people who should use social media. During his time on Facebook, Palihapitiya invested in many companies, and in 2011 he quit the position of his work on Facebook. Investors established social partnerships + capital, which became social capital in 2015. The company’s peculiarities immediately became known, and it paid very well. The company is based on investment in finance, education and health.

In 2015 investors became billionaires, because all of the income combined was estimated at $ 1.1 billion. His company took a lot of wealth, because many people were interested in investing.

Personal life

Venture Capitalist set up FWD. FWD concentrates on making changes in the suspended field, and he is also the owner of the Golden State Warriors. In addition, Chatham has many charitable organizations.

When the owner of the Golden State Warriors established social capital, the Co-Founder and Associate was Brigette Lau. When Chamath moved to California, he then lived with his girlfriend at the time, Brigette Lau. Both of them were married, but unfortunately, in 2018, they began their divorce procedures.

Billionaire is also a poker player, and he attended many championships which only helped him increase his wealth.

Chamath Palaih Net Worth 2021

Of all his business, the project and playing poker, Chamath Palihapitiya managed to become a billionaire. His net wealth in 2021 was around $ 1.2 billion.

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