Amy Bruni Net worth 2020

Amy Bruni

Anyone who is a fan of paranormal activities and many TV documentary films, TV shows and films about it is most likely to hear about ghost hunters. Hunter’s Ghost was a TV documentary that revolved around Paranormal, and Amy Bruni was known to appear on the show. He is also known as the host of the Spirit type, other paranormal TV shows. If you want to know a little about him and how he must be involved with this type of TV show, look at our article below.


Amy Bruni’s zodiac sign is cancer, because he was born on July 10, 1976. He was born in Sacramento, located in California, a bright country found in the United States. However, he was raised in another city called Alameda, also found in California, and he stated how he lived in a haunted house.

That’s when his love for the paranormal developed, and his father encouraged his love when he considered himself as an amateur paranormal detective. When he was only six years old, he saw his first ghost. He said how a man wore green clothes, and that he was actually the son of their home landlord. The man’s ghost “dressed green” was the spirit of a man who died during the world of war II.

Young Bruni and his father spent years investigating the paranormal, even outside their homes. Passion and love for spirits and other worlds encourage him to pursue a career as a paranormal investigator.


At first, supernatural lovers worked as part of a health insurance company, but he decided to leave the job so he could pursue his desire. He worked alone in finding the Spirit, and he studied various haunted houses. Then he joined the Atlantic Paranormal Society, whose members grant Wilson and Jason Haws.

The next important milestone in his professional career as a paranormal investigator is a hunting ghost. TV shows were aired from 2008 to 2014, and he appeared in more than 100 episodes. In addition, the trio is produced outside reality radio.

What raised paranormal investigators to Stardom are good spirits. Bruni and Adam Berry formed a company that later turned into a reality TLC event. Other projects he worked on were paranormal locking, the TV series aired in 2016, and the expedition was unknown from 2018. Society of points has his guests appearing in two episodes in 2016.

Personal life

Amy Bruni tried to keep her own life above. Even so, some details of his personal life appeared, and we knew that he was in a romantic relationship with a man named Jimmy. Both of them shared girls, which they named Charlotte. Charlotte was born in October 2012.

Paranormal investigators are also the founders of travel companies entitled Scapes Strange, and for people who want to experience the supernatural and paranormal in haunted cities.

Amy Bruni Net worth 2020

The net wealth of Amy Bruni in 2020 was around $ 800,000.

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