The best games for the Nintendo Switch

The best games for the Nintendo Switch

Only five years ago, Nintendo was at the crossroads. The Wii U kissed in the third place in the Wars console and, after considerable pressure, the company made its first temporary stages in the mobile game with Migetomo and Super Mario Run. Fast forward to today: the switch is probably about to become the best-selling “home console” and that seven switching games mainly have the Wii U console. Everything is coming Nintendo, then, thanks In the unique hybrid format of the switch and a growing game library with incharectically strong third-party support.

However, the online store of the switch is not the easiest to navigate. This guide therefore aims to help uninitiated to start their journey on the right foot. These are the games you should own – for now. We regularly revisions and adds to the list if necessary. Oh, and if you have a Lite switch, do not worry: each game of the list is fully supported by the portable console only.

Crossing Animal: New Horizons

Crossing Animal: New Horizons is the best game of the series. It streamlines many clumsy aspects of past games and gives players a lot of motivation to continue shaping their island community. As you wait, it also seems better than any previous entry, giving you even more motivation to fill your home and virtual wardrobe. The sound design reaches the levels of Asmr of brain tingling comfort. And yes, it certainly helps new horizons are an incredibly soothing escape from reality when we are all blocked at home in the middle of a global pandemic.

Astral chain

I was on the fence on the astral string from the day the first trailer out until a few hours in my dispute. Everything felt a little too generic, almost an interpretation of painting by a game of action. I do not need to have been so worried, because it is one of the most original titles of Platinumgames, the developer behind the Bayonetta series in recent years.

In the future where the world is under a constant attack of creatures that exist on another plan of existence, you play as an officer in a special force that deals with this threat. The game Gimmick is that you can tame these creatures to become legions that you use in combat. Meetings play with you controlling your character and the legion simultaneously to treat wings of mobs and larger and more difficult enemies. In addition to the fight, you will use your legion (s) to solve crimes and through environments.

The astral chain sticks closely towards a detective work loop, platform puzzles and a fight – a little too narrowly, if I am critical – with the game divided into cases used as chapters. The story begins quite well but quickly turns into a mashup of various anime tropes, including twists and ripped bows directly from certain very famous shows and movies. However, the minute gameplay at minute is enough to keep you engaged in the main campaign of 20 hours or more and in fairly important final game content.

Does the astral chain reach the heights of denying: PLCs? No, not at all, but his fight and his environment can often go beyond this game, which has absolutely told is probably my favorite of this generation. Often available for less than $ 50 nowadays, it’s worth your time.


Celeste is a lot of things. It’s a great platform, but it’s also a puzzle game. It is extremely punished, but it is also very accessible. He puts the gameplay above all, but he has a beautiful story. It is a vast magnificent and memorable contradiction of a match created by mattmakesgames, the independent studio behind the excellent turn of turn. So, Celestee is worth choosing whatever the platform you have, but its bedroom-based levels and clear 2D works of art make it a fantastic game to play on the switch when going.

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