SMACH Z Gaming PC Handheld becomes another warned tale

SMACH Z Gaming PC Handheld becomes another warned tale

Today, there is no shortage of game pockets with a complete operating version of Windows 10, at least if you know where to watch. From the Win 3 GPD to Aya Neo at the new Onexplayer, there are now a few choices to bring your PC games from the part. In 2014, however, this idea was revolutionary and a small team tried to do that happen before anyone did. Of course, the Smach Z went via the Crowdfunding road and, although it was successfully funded, it has now become another anecdote on how these dreams fail not only, but also depriving people of their money hard earned.

The way he started may have already pretended his destiny. Launching a first as Steamamboy because of its original intention to be a pocket steam machine, the project was forced to change its name in “Smach Zero” and then on “Smach Z”. He has successfully got the project funded on Kickstarter and, for a while, it seems that its troubled debut was finally behind.

This was only the beginning. The project would encounter several problems and changes, including changing the processor it has promised Kickstarter. It would always be an integrated AMD-based system, but its capabilities have become less and less impressive with each update.

SMACH Z would also be silent for long periods and would suddenly be a source of life with a new update. Unfortunately, the last one, a message on the SMACH forums that has been published on Reddit for the public to see, maybe the worst. In a word, the start-up behind Smach Z will have to declare bankruptcy after losing his main investor. In other words, the SMACH Z is unlikely that ever shipped and that the cassetches are probably not likely to obtain a refund fraction.

If the SMACH Z has ever been shipped, it would have been easily shifted by the tastes of the GPD Win 3 and Onexplayer anyway, is definitely worth $ 600 as the supports paid 5 years ago. Crowdfunding is still a risky investment and this incident once again shows how even the most successful campaigns can end up with a failure at the end.

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